How to get google api access:
1. Open
2. Login by your gmail account.
3. Click on API Access option from left side.
5. It will open a dialog box.
7. Click Next by filling all above information. It will open Next window.
10. It will open a new window to fill Authorized Redirect URIs . It may be same url as Home page url, example: http:localhost/website/default.aspx. Leave Authorized JavaScript Origins as blank.
By above steps, you will get Client ID and Redirect URIs that will be used in further steps.
ASP.Net application:
In below code, first set your Client ID and Redirect URI.
I have given example to show logged in Username and profile image, you can use it in any other way also.
In function getUserInfo(), you can get result as username, email and etc..
jQuery Link: jQuery.js
If you get any issue to find above jQuery file, please mail me at .
If you get any issue to find above jQuery file, please mail me at .
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var OAUTHURL = '';
var VALIDURL = '';
var SCOPE = '';
var CLIENTID = '';
var REDIRECT = 'http://localhost/WebSite/default.aspx';
var LOGOUT = '';
var TYPE = 'token';
var _url = OAUTHURL + 'scope=' + SCOPE + '&client_id=' + CLIENTID + '&redirect_uri=' + REDIRECT + '&response_type=' + TYPE;
var acToken;
var tokenType;
var expiresIn;
var user;
var loggedIn = false;
function login() {
var win =, "windowname1", 'width=800, height=600');
var pollTimer = window.setInterval(function() {
try {
if (win.document.URL.indexOf(REDIRECT) != -1) {
var url = win.document.URL;
acToken = gup(url, 'access_token');
tokenType = gup(url, 'token_type');
expiresIn = gup(url, 'expires_in');
} catch(e) {
}, 500);
function validateToken(token) {
url: VALIDURL + token,
data: null,
success: function(responseText){
loggedIn = true;
dataType: "jsonp"
function getUserInfo() {
url: '' + acToken,
data: null,
success: function(resp) {
user = resp;
$('#uName').text('Welcome ' +;
$('#imgHolder').attr('src', user.picture);
dataType: "jsonp"
function gup(url, name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\#&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
var results = regex.exec( url );
if( results == null )
return "";
return results[1];
function startLogoutPolling() {
loggedIn = false;
$('#uName').text('Welcome ');
$('#imgHolder').attr('src', 'none.jpg');
<a href='#' onClick='login();' id="loginText"'> Google Plus </a>
<a href="#" style="display:none" id="logoutText" target='myIFrame' onclick="myIFrame.location=''; startLogoutPolling();return false;"> Click here to logout </a>
<iframe name='myIFrame' id="myIFrame" style='display:none'></iframe>
<div id='uName'></div>
<img src='' id='imgHolder'/>
<a href="#" style="display:none" id="logoutText" target='myIFrame' onclick="myIFrame.location=''; startLogoutPolling();return false;"> Click here to logout </a>
<iframe name='myIFrame' id="myIFrame" style='display:none'></iframe>
<div id='uName'></div>
<img src='' id='imgHolder'/>
Thanks vdtrip,
ReplyDeleteI was getting headache from last 2 days, this is what exactly i wanted, its worked like a charm.
You are a rock star........